Monday, April 3, 2017


                        The art that I chose is an oil painting by Shelby Keefe. (copy of link above) Of all the art work that I saw I could relate to this the most because pictures of nature seem to calm my nerves. I have alot of things going on like being a parent to an autistic child, caring for my mentally challenged sister, running a house, family members that I don't really trust. It can all be too much to handle. I need to get away and a trip to nature  of any sort helps clear my mind and  catch my breathe. Growing up I always loved going to the lake and look at  the water and just focus on the movement of it. The water would have waves going back and forth that  would put me  in a mindset of peace and stillness. Looking up at the clear blue sky was a sense of wonder for me. I wish I could fly and go through all the clouds into whatever secret world would take me away from my current world. Then as I got older I would venture out on those bicycle paths in wooded areas. I would pretend that I was in the woods where trees were tall enough to touch the sky..
This painting is simple in the sense there are just enough  colors that wouldn't  blind you. I mean  there isn't too many different colors that would distract you from noticing others things like how wide the water flows and how clouds have a pattern that draws you to the sky and see the mountains that look close but are really far away..I could just take a deep breathe and wish the feeling of at peace would last forever. This is a wonderful look at God's creation.  Just beautiful.      

1 comment:

  1. I am personally a nature being, I really enjoy the waters and blue skies therefore this image was quite impressive to me. My eyes followed the river flowing in wonder of where it could possibly lead to. The image followed a horizontal path which made it very easy to follow the where the artist is going with the image. The mountains exhibited different shades of blue which allowed me to easy follow the highs and lows. Even thought the image was somewhat dark it gave me such peace because of the shades of blue used.
