Friday, September 9, 2016

As I have said before in earlier blogs I want to grow and be a more balanced person. I have been having trouble when it comes to stress. I'm running around trying to figure out how to be everything to everybody. There have been when I go to a quiet spot and just scream my head off  because it gets to be to much. So I came across this vlog by health advocate Kris Carr. My morning routine has been getting up, bath, get dress and out the door. I sometimes forget breakfast because I'm too busy wanting to get the day over with. I came across Carr's vlog when I was  trying to find her segment on Supersoul Sunday on YouTube. Vlog #1 is about how she starts her day.

Friday, September 2, 2016

This is a picture for September 1 blog post    

Thursday, September 1, 2016

This post will be about my focus of my blog. My blog will be about growth. When I say growth I mean being more content with my self. I have been ignoring my personal needs for a long time and I'm just tired. There are days when I don't want to get out of bed or I walk around just empty and spiritually lost. I was taught that thinking about my needs was being selfish and was made to feel ashamed. So I kept my feelings to my self and I just ate, and stopped working out, and kept to myself. The result is a woman in her forties who sometimes doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror. I've been trying to figure out how I let this happen. I would say LIFE. I had a child and later discovered she has autism. My mom died and now I care for my older sister because she has the mind of a child. I'm stressed most of the time because I feel pulled in all kinds of directions because certain people in my life don't care about me; they want me to be someone else. Well. change starts today. I need to get off the ferris wheel and get back to some sanity. One day at a time. I just need to to figure out where to start.